• Who is the best doctor for Ahmed valve surgery in Iran?
  •  What is the cost of Ahmed valve implantation in Iran?
  • Which hospital is the best for Ahmed valve implantation for treating eye pressure in Iran?
  • Where can I go for Ahmed valve implantation for the eye in Iran: Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, Isfahan?
  • How can I book an appointment for Ahmed valve surgery in Shiraz, Iran?

1. What is the Ahmed valve?

The Ahmed Glaucoma Valve (AGV) is a device implanted in the eye to drain excess fluid and control intraocular pressure in cases of glaucoma.

2. Ahmed Valve Implantation (or Glaucoma Implants)

Ahmed valve implantation is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing intraocular pressure in glaucoma cases.

Originally, this surgery was reserved for cases of glaucoma resistant to previous aqueous humor filtration surgeries.

However, recent research has expanded its use to various types of glaucoma, including congenital glaucoma, neovascular glaucoma, and trauma-induced glaucoma.

Younger patients often show a high healing response to these shunt implants.

These devices are classified as artificial drainage devices consisting of a small plastic tube connected to a plastic reservoir via the conjunctiva (the membrane lining the eyelid and covering the white part of the eye). The tube linked to the reservoir is placed inside the eye to create a new outlet pathway to help drain excess fluid, thereby reducing elevated intraocular pressure.

The surgery typically takes between one to two hours.

The Ahmed valve helps prevent elevated intraocular pressure and reduces the risk of complications due to its built-in valve mechanism. However, close monitoring of the patient post-surgery is still necessary.

3. How does Ahmed valve implantation work in Iran?

High intraocular pressure causes optic nerve atrophy, leading to vision loss. Intraocular pressure must be monitored accurately, as optic nerve cells are irreplaceable. Intraocular pressure is related to the amount of fluid inside the eye; increased fluid causes pressure on the eye wall and nerve, damaging the nerve.

Increased intraocular pressure occurs when the drainage of fluid inside the eye is obstructed.

Intraocular pressure can be reduced through various methods, either by decreasing fluid production or widening the drainage channel. However, if these methods fail, surgery is required.

4. The goal of Ahmed valve surgery in Iran

The goal of valve implantation is to improve fluid drainage in the eye.

The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia, and the hospital stay usually lasts only one day.

5. Benefits and risks of glaucoma implants or Ahmed valve

Controlling intraocular pressure prevents optic nerve atrophy, but every surgical procedure carries risks.

The risks of Ahmed valve surgery are minimal (1% - 20%) and can be managed post-operatively, including:

  • Bleeding
  • Severe infection
  • High fluid leakage, leading to intraocular pressure dropping below the necessary level
  • Fluid accumulation under the retina
  • Retinal or choroid detachment
  • Cataracts
  • Vision impairment
  • Valve blockage
  • Valve displacement from its position

6. Post-operative Care After Ahmed Valve Surgery in Iran

The patient leaves the operating room with an eye patch to avoid touching or rubbing the eye. It is recommended to wear the patch during the first week after the surgery, especially while sleeping, to protect the eye.

The patient must use prescribed eye drops post-surgery and follow the instructions carefully.

If there are no side effects from the surgery, the patient can leave the hospital the next day, with the first follow-up appointment scheduled for 7-10 days later.

To book an appointment for Ahmed valve implantation in Iran and consult a doctor quickly, contact us now on WhatsApp. Our coordination and translation team will respond to you and arrange an appointment before your travel.

7. Ahmed Valve Implantation to Reduce Intraocular Pressure from Glaucoma

Glaucoma, or "the silent thief of sight," is one of the most challenging eye diseases to treat, gradually affecting the optic nerve and vision without the patient's awareness, often discovered late. Recently, many successful Ahmed valve implantation surgeries have been performed to reduce intraocular pressure, all of which have been successful.

The Khodadoust Super Specialty Eye Hospital is renowned for keeping up with the latest advancements in various medical fields, including precise eye surgeries. The Khodadoust Center for Ophthalmology and Eye Surgery features the latest laser vision correction devices, including a newly introduced seven-dimensional device in the region that addresses near and farsightedness and reading vision problems without corneal scraping, reducing post-operative pain. Today, there are many options available in ophthalmology, and glaucoma specialists must evaluate each case to determine the appropriate treatment.

Their decision is based on several factors, including the patient's age, previous surgeries, and the condition of the eye.

The most commonly used techniques include aqueous humor filtration surgery and Ahmed valve implantation. Medical professionals consider this surgery the best method for treating open and closed-angle glaucoma.

Aqueous humor filtration surgery (also known as trabeculectomy) involves creating a passage that allows the aqueous humor to flow out.

This new outlet allows the aqueous humor inside the eye to flow more effectively through the artificial drainage pathway.

As mentioned earlier, aqueous humor filtration is the most common, but deep sclerectomy surgery poses fewer risks.

This procedure creates a new pathway for fluid drainage while maintaining the integrity of the anterior chamber.

Deep sclerectomy requires fewer surgical procedures and preserves the thin membrane that can drain aqueous humor in a controlled manner with minimal complications.

To avoid a sudden drop in intraocular pressure, complete openings are not created. Patients recover faster after surgery, and the post-operative period is easier.

In both procedures, it is essential to keep the new drainage pathway open and capable of draining the appropriate amount of aqueous humor to ensure the surgery's success.

8. Why is Iran an Ideal Destination for Ahmed Valve Surgery?

Many patients travel to Iran for Ahmed valve implantation surgery. This is due to the expertise of Iranian doctors and surgeons who have high success rates in surgery.

  • To undergo valve implantation in Iran at a low cost
  • Reduced expenses related to accommodation in Iran
  • Experienced doctors
  • A large number of Ahmed valve implantations are performed in Iran

The highest quality care is provided in Iran through advanced eye centers that comply with current European standards. Another reason for Ahmed valve implantation in Iran is the lower cost compared to other countries.

9. Who is the best doctor for Ahmed valve surgery in Iran?

Iran has highly qualified doctors with many years of experience performing successful Ahmed valve implantation surgeries. The success rate of the surgery depends on how quickly the patient consults the doctor after the condition occurs and follows the post-operative care instructions. Notably, Iran has some of the best doctors for Ahmed valve implantation in top eye centers and hospitals, boasting a high success rate.

10. How can I book an appointment for Ahmed valve implantation in Iran?

To book an appointment for Ahmed valve implantation in Iran and consult a doctor quickly, contact us now on WhatsApp. Our coordination and translation team will respond to you and arrange an appointment before your travel.

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