Corneal transplant surgery is a procedure in which the patient's cornea is partially or completely replaced with a donor cornea.

There are two types of corneal transplant surgeries in Iran:

  • Full-thickness transplant: In this type of surgery, the patient's cornea is completely replaced with all layers of the donor cornea.

  • Lamellar corneal transplant (partial): In this type of surgery, only one or a few layers of the patient's cornea are replaced with the donor cornea.

  • Is Iran a suitable country for corneal transplant surgery? According to statistics, over 95% of corneal transplant surgeries performed in Iran are successful and without complications.
  • What are the conditions for corneal donors in Iran? It is important to note that corneal tissue for transplantation is taken from deceased individuals and never from living donors. The cornea can usually be retrieved within 24 hours of death. After documenting and obtaining consent from the donor's relatives or obtaining written consent from the donor before death, the donor must be free from any chronic or infectious diseases, meningitis, rabies, hepatitis B, AIDS, cancer, severe burns, prolonged coma before death, unknown central nervous system diseases, and injectable drug addiction, and the cause of death must be known.
  • How long can donated corneas be preserved? Corneas can be preserved for transplant for 7 to 10 days in eye banks.

What should be done to undergo corneal transplant surgery in Iran?

Patients needing corneal transplant surgery should visit hospitals and ophthalmic centers, and if necessary for transplantation, a request form completed by the corneal surgeon is sent to the Eye Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran or the eye bank officer at ophthalmic centers to enroll the patient and be placed on the waiting list to receive a corneal graft. Considering the qualitative and quantitative conditions of donated corneas and the type of corneal disease in patients on the waiting list, the sending section sends the appropriate corneal graft to the desired recipient for transplantation at a temperature of 4 to 8 degrees Celsius in specialized boxes.

What are the conditions for corneal transplant recipients in Iran?

Healthy optic nerve and retina, complete health of eyelids, normal tear flow

What are the reasons for the failure of corneal transplant surgery?

Increased eye pressure, intraocular inflammation, corneal surface inflammation, patient non-compliance with post-operative examinations, incorrect drug use, patient's age, failure to follow proper and safe post-operative guidelines

In what cases is corneal transplant surgery absolutely contraindicated?

 Congenital eye diseases with external or internal eye disorders, good vision with glasses, severe eye dryness, and non-correctable eyelid and corneal surface disorders

In what cases is corneal transplant surgery relatively contraindicated?

Previous transplant failures, herpes eye infections, severe allergic diseases, patient non-compliance with post-operative examinations, elderly individuals with one healthy eye

Is blood type compatibility between the recipient and corneal donor necessary for corneal transplant surgery in Iran?

 Contrary to other parts of the body, blood type matching or tissue compatibility between the donor and recipient is not necessary for corneal transplant surgery.

Is buying and selling corneal tissue legal in Iran?

 No, buying and selling corneal tissue is completely illegal in Iran and is not practiced. Corneal tissue in Iran is only obtained through the Eye Bank from deceased Iranian donors.

When can the cornea of a deceased individual be retrieved?

The sooner, the better, but the cornea must be retrieved within 24 hours of death to preserve the health of corneal cells and maintain their functionality.

What is the duration of corneal transplant surgery in Iran?

 Corneal transplant surgery typically takes less than an hour in Iran, and depending on the patient's condition, they may be discharged from the hospital on the same day or stay overnight.

Is absolute rest necessary after corneal transplant surgery in Iran?

 If your work is office-based, you can return to work after two weeks, but if your work involves physical activity, you should rest for at least 6 weeks.

How can I travel to Iran for corneal transplant surgery?

You can directly contact us via WhatsApp for complete coordination and all reservations will be made from airport to airport. "iTop" platform is the first specialized platform in Iran for eye treatment and ophthalmology.

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