• 1. Who is the best doctor for glaucoma treatment in Iran?
  • 2. How much does glaucoma treatment cost in Iran?
  •  3. Which hospital is the best for glaucoma treatment in Iran?
  •  4. Where can I go for glaucoma treatment in Iran (Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, Isfahan)?
  •  5. Book an appointment for laser glaucoma surgery in Iran, Shiraz.

1. What is glaucoma in the eye?

Glaucoma is a serious health condition that occurs when the pressure of the fluid inside the eye rises above the normal level, leading to damage to the optic nerves and loss of vision. Symptoms are not clear in the early stages of the disease, and over time, it may cause a narrowing of the visual field and complete vision loss in some cases. If an individual suspects they have glaucoma, they should contact an ophthalmologist immediately to diagnose the disease and receive the necessary treatment. Glaucoma affects the eye and causes destruction of the optic nerve and loss of vision. This occurs when the pressure of the fluid inside the eye increases above normal, resulting in damage to the optic nerve cells. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide and often has no symptoms in the early stages, so regular eye exams are necessary for early detection. Methods for treating glaucoma include medication, surgery, laser treatment, and lifestyle changes.

2. What are the types of glaucoma present in the eye?

There are various classifications of glaucoma in the eye, including:

  • Primary glaucoma: The most common type, occurring due to increased fluid pressure inside the eye without a clear cause.
  • Secondary glaucoma: Occurs due to eye problems or general body conditions, such as eye inflammation or high blood pressure.
  • Closed-angle glaucoma: The fluid in the eye leaks forward abnormally, leading to blockage of the drainage canal in the eye and the appearance of rare glaucoma.
  • Congenital glaucoma: A rare condition that occurs in children and infants, caused by issues in the drainage of eye fluid.

3. Risk factors for glaucoma in the eye

  • Age: The risk of developing glaucoma increases with age.
  • Family history: Having a family history of glaucoma increases the likelihood of developing it.
  • Chronic diseases: Conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Eye injuries or surgeries: Trauma or surgeries to the eye.
  • Medication use: Certain medications like steroids and some blood pressure medications.
  • Increased intraocular pressure: Elevated pressure of the fluid inside the eye.
  • Ethnicity and gender: Individuals of African, Latin, and Asian descent have a higher risk of developing glaucoma.

4. Symptoms of glaucoma

In most cases, glaucoma does not show symptoms in the early stages, but some symptoms can appear in the later stages of the disease, such as:

  • Reduced vision
  • Seeing halos around lights
  • Eye pain
  • Redness of the eye
  • Weak peripheral vision
  • Change in the color of the clear lens in the eye
  • Increased sensitivity to light

If any of these symptoms appear, you should consult an ophthalmologist to determine your condition and receive the necessary treatment.

5. Acute angle-closure glaucoma

Acute angle-closure glaucoma is an emergency condition characterized by a rapid and severe increase in intraocular pressure. It occurs when the angle between the cornea and the lens becomes blocked, leading to fluid accumulation inside the eye and increased pressure. This condition is characterized by the sudden onset of severe symptoms such as intense headache, nausea, vomiting, eye pain, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light. This condition is an emergency and requires immediate treatment to reduce the pressure in the eye and prevent permanent vision damage.

6. Does glaucoma appear naturally, and can it occur in newborns or after some time?

Hereditary glaucoma occurs when there is a defect in the drainage of fluid inside the eye, leading to increased eye pressure. This condition usually happens in newborn infants or a few months after birth. This condition is characterized by the absence of clear symptoms in the early stages, so regular eye exams are necessary to ensure there are no problems with intraocular pressure. If congenital glaucoma is diagnosed, it is crucial to treat it immediately to avoid any permanent vision damage.

7. What are the signs of hereditary glaucoma?

In the early stages of congenital glaucoma, there are no clear symptoms, so regular eye exams are necessary to ensure there are no issues with eye pressure. If diagnosis and treatment are delayed, some symptoms may appear, such as changes in peripheral vision, sensitivity to light, headache, eye pain, and blurred vision. If any of these symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist immediately.

8. What are the complications caused by hereditary glaucoma?

Failure to properly treat congenital glaucoma can lead to serious complications such as permanent vision loss, optic nerve damage, deterioration of peripheral vision, and blindness. It increases the likelihood of eye infections, conjunctivitis, and increased eye pressure. Preventing these complications requires early diagnosis and effective treatment.

9. What are the methods for diagnosing congenital glaucoma?

Congenital glaucoma can be identified through an eye examination by an ophthalmologist. The examination includes measuring eye pressure, assessing the optic nerve, and checking peripheral vision. Additional tests such as retinal imaging and anterior segment examination may be performed to determine the type of glaucoma and the best treatment approach. Regular eye exams are essential to check for any problems.

Clinical examination is required to determine the presence of glaucoma in the eye.

The clinical examination for glaucoma includes several steps, such as measuring intraocular pressure using a tonometer, examining the optic nerve with a visual field test, and examining the anterior chamber angle with a goniometer. The clinical examination involves evaluating the patient's condition, examining the retina, determining the type of glaucoma, and choosing the appropriate treatment. Regular clinical examinations for glaucoma are necessary for early detection and appropriate treatment.

10. Appropriate Treatment for Glaucoma

The appropriate treatment for glaucoma depends on the type of glaucoma and the patient's condition. Topical or oral medications can be used to lower intraocular pressure, or surgery can be performed to improve fluid drainage within the eye. To enhance eye health and prevent glaucoma, it is recommended to adjust the diet and regularly exercise. Glaucoma patients should visit their doctors regularly to evaluate their condition and adjust the treatment if necessary.

11. Is Laser Treatment Effective for Glaucoma?

Laser treatment is considered effective for some cases of glaucoma. It involves using a laser device to improve fluid drainage within the eye and reduce intraocular pressure. This treatment is typically used when topical medications fail to lower eye pressure or as an option for patients who cannot use medications due to poor tolerance or side effects. The type and severity of glaucoma determine the success of laser treatment. Patients should consult their doctor before opting for laser treatment to determine its suitability for their condition.

Glaucoma can also be treated surgically.

In severe cases where medications or laser treatment cannot control glaucoma, surgical treatment is an option.

12. Different Surgical Procedures for Treating Glaucoma

  • Aqueous Shunt Surgery: A valve is implanted inside the eye to reduce pressure and drain fluid.
  • Laser Surgery: A laser device is used to eliminate blocked tissues that prevent fluid flow within the eye.
  • Trabeculectomy Surgery: This procedure involves removing a part of the eye's lens and implanting an artificial lens to reduce eye pressure.
  • Cyclophotocoagulation Surgery: This involves reducing eye pressure by removing part of the ciliary body that produces fluid within the eye.

The patient should consult their doctor to determine the appropriate surgical procedure for their condition.

13. Have These Surgeries Shown Positive Results in Treating Glaucoma? How Effective Are These Procedures for Patients?

Positive results have been achieved in treating glaucoma through minimally invasive surgeries, especially in reducing surgical complications and improving treatment outcomes. Studies indicate that these surgeries reduce the risk of vision loss and enhance the quality of life for glaucoma patients. These surgeries include aqueous shunt surgery and micro-invasive trabeculectomy, which require advanced technologies such as robotics, lasers, and ultraviolet rays. However, patients should consult their doctor to determine the suitable treatment for them.

14. Effects of Glaucoma on the Optic Nerve

The optic nerve is gradually affected by glaucoma, causing damage to its cells due to increased intraocular fluid pressure. This condition leads to a gradual loss of vision and blurriness in the peripheral areas of the eye, and in advanced stages, it can result in complete blindness.

The effects of glaucoma on the optic nerve vary depending on the type and progression of the disease. Some types can cause severe optic nerve damage in a short period, while others develop slowly and cause damage over many years.

15. Techniques for Treating Glaucoma or Black Water (Glaucoma)

Techniques for treating glaucoma or black water include:

  • Medical Treatment: Anti-glaucoma medications are used to reduce intraocular fluid pressure and prevent nerve cell destruction in the eye.
  • Surgical Treatment: Surgery is performed to reduce intraocular fluid pressure, helping to slow disease progression and preserve vision.
  • Laser Treatment: Laser is used to open fluid drainage pathways within the eye, reducing pressure and improving fluid flow, slowing disease progression.
  • Preventive Measures: Patients should adopt preventive measures such as avoiding smoking, monitoring blood pressure, and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels to reduce disease progression.

Side Effects of Glaucoma Surgery

Side effects of glaucoma surgery can include:

  • Internal inflammation in the eye
  • Blockage in the tear ducts
  • Internal bleeding in the eye
  • Excessive increase in eye pressure
  • Changes in the shape of the cornea
  • Lens deformities
  • Increased intraocular fluid pressure
  • Retinal swelling
  • Changes in eye movements
  • Vision disorders

16. Best Ophthalmologist in Iran for Treating Glaucoma

More than 7,000 glaucoma surgeries are performed annually in Iran. Iranian doctors with extensive experience and excellent records perform these surgeries. The main factor in selecting a qualified surgeon for glaucoma surgery in Iran is the doctor's experience in performing these operations. You can find the best doctors for treating glaucoma in Iran through our website and review their diverse experiences.

17. Why is Iran an Ideal Destination for Treating Glaucoma?

Many patients travel to Iran for glaucoma surgery due to the high efficiency and success rates of Iranian doctors and surgeons.

  • The procedure is performed in Iran at a low cost
  • Low accommodation expenses in Iran
  • Experienced doctors
  • A large number of glaucoma surgeries are performed in Iran

The highest quality is provided in Iran through advanced eye centers that meet current European standards. Another reason for choosing Iran for glaucoma treatment is its lower cost compared to other countries.

18. Who is the Best Doctor for Glaucoma Surgery in Iran?

Iran has highly qualified doctors with many years of experience in successfully managing high eye pressure and performing glaucoma surgeries. The success rate of the surgery depends on promptly consulting the doctor upon the occurrence of high eye pressure, taking the appropriate medications, and following post-operative care instructions. It is worth noting that Iran has the best doctors for performing glaucoma surgeries at top eye centers and hospitals with high success rates.

19. How to Book an Appointment for Glaucoma Surgery in Iran?

To book a doctor's appointment and a surgery for glaucoma in Iran, quickly contact us on WhatsApp. Our coordination and translation team will respond to you and book an appointment before your travel.

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