1. After Retinal Detachment Surgery

It is essential to adhere to the proper instructions following the surgery.

Repairing a tear or multiple tears in the retina is the goal of retinal detachment surgery, which is considered a sensitive procedure.

Postoperative instructions are crucial for maintaining the results of the surgery and avoiding any potential complications.

Some general instructions should be followed after retinal detachment surgery:

  • Hand Sanitization: Hands should be washed with soap and water before touching the eye or any eye-related items.

  • Eye Hygiene: To keep the eye clean and prevent irritation, it is recommended to cover the affected eye with an antibacterial ointment and a light bandage.

  • Rest and Relaxation: Avoid strenuous visual activities such as reading, using computers, or watching TV for extended periods. Take a break every hour for 20-30 minutes.

  • Avoid Inflammation: Do not touch or scratch the affected eye and prevent water or any fluids from entering the eye.

  • Medication and Antibiotics: Follow the treating physician's instructions and take all medications as prescribed and on time.

  • Personal Hygiene: Pay attention to the cleanliness of the eye and the surrounding face. Avoid using any cosmetics near the eye and refrain from returning to using cosmetics until fully healed.

  • Communicate with the Doctor: The patient should contact the treating physician if any unusual symptoms occur, such as increased pain, eye swelling, increased redness, or vision problems.

Patients should carefully follow medical instructions to maintain eye health and minimize any complications after surgery. It is essential to consult the doctor before taking any unknown recovery measures.

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