• Who is the best doctor for retinal laser surgery in Iran?
  • How much does retinal laser surgery cost in Iran?
  • Which hospital is the best for retinal laser surgery in Iran?
  • Where can I consult for retinal laser treatment in Iran (Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, Isfahan)? 
  • How to book an appointment for retinal laser surgery in Shiraz, Iran? 

1. How is the eye treated using retinal laser?

Retinal laser treatment involves using precise laser beams directed at the affected tissues. Different types of lasers are used based on the targeted tissues.

The laser beams are designed to penetrate non-retinal tissues, such as the lens and cornea, without causing damage and focus on the retinal tissues.

This technique is effective in treating retinal diseases and is widely used through various types of lenses and lasers for minimally invasive surgery. It is the sole treatment for macular edema.

Doctors use scatter lasers to treat macular edema, and the beams help reduce the size of damaged blood vessels and prevent their regrowth.

Conditions that may require laser treatment for the retina:

  • Retinal damage due to diabetes
  • Retinal vein occlusion
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Retinal tears
  • Severe central serous chorioretinopathy
  • Malignant eye tumors

2. Efficiency of the Laser Mechanism

The laser beams primarily rely on thermal laser technology, absorbing light energy by specific tissues in the back of the eye. The laser causes a small amount of damage to the retina, helping correct various retinal diseases by sealing retinal tears and blood vessels and fragmenting abnormal tissues.

3. How is Laser Treatment Used for Eyes in Iran?

Laser treatment is performed by a doctor and is considered painless and mild. The patient might feel a slight burning sensation in the eye due to the laser beams, and the procedure takes about 20 minutes.

The main steps of the treatment are as follows:

  • To ensure vision safety, an eye examination is recommended before the procedure.
  • Eye drops are used to numb the eye.
  • Eye drops may be used to dilate the pupils.
  • A sedative medication taken orally may be prescribed by the doctor to help the patient relax.
  • The doctor prescribes a contact lens for the eye to control its movement and accurately direct the laser.
  • The laser is directed towards the affected area in the eye to heat the tissues and seal any retinal tears and blood vessels. The patient may need multiple treatments and visits, depending on their condition.

Important Information to Know Before Undergoing Laser Retinal Treatment:

  • It is essential to answer all the doctor's questions related to your medical history and disclose any allergies.
  • Inform the doctor about the medications you are taking.
  • Ask someone to accompany you. Avoid wearing contact lenses and applying any makeup to the eye on the day of the procedure.

Important Information After Laser Retinal Treatment:

  • The room should be dark with dim lighting.
  • To alleviate eye discomfort after the procedure, wear sunglasses for six hours.
  • Avoid physical activities for two weeks until your eye heals.
  • After a few days post-surgery, avoid any usual activities until you fully recover.
  • It is necessary to visit the doctor to check the health of your eye.
  • Maintain a healthy blood sugar level to prevent future complications.
  • Contact the doctor if you notice any of the following:
    • Eye pain.
    • Noticeable loss or change in vision.
    • Increased ability to see.

There are some side effects and secondary effects of laser retinal treatment:

  • The patient may experience slight flashes and discomfort in the eye for two days. Antibiotic drops and eye moisturizers should be used for five days.
  • Contrast sensitivity and color vision levels decrease significantly for affected individuals when using platelet-rich plasma for diabetic retinopathy treatment.
  • Some patients may experience blurred vision for several months, develop permanent blind spots, and experience decreased vision.

4. Is the Treatment Painful or Risky?

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not feel any pain. Anti-inflammatory drops can be used in cases of extensive photocoagulation, which must be treated with comprehensive photocoagulation. In very difficult cases, the patient's pain is managed, and intravenous anesthesia is administered to alleviate the pain.

5. Post-Retinal Laser Objections

  • Redness in the white part of the eye due to slight pressure during the procedure, which gradually fades within a week.
  • Burning and irritation in the eye.
  • Eye watering.
  • You may experience difficulty in vision due to blurriness or lack of clarity.
  • The patient might feel mild pain, for which the doctor will prescribe pain relief medication.
  • Dry eye, which is treated with moisturizing drops.

6. Does Vision Return After Laser Treatment?

Vision stabilizes completely about three months after the procedure, with gradual improvement.

7. Is Retinal Laser Painful?

The treatment used by the doctor is considered painless and takes about 20 minutes. The laser causes a burn around the tear in the retina to ensure vision health. An eye examination is conducted as part of the treatment steps. The doctor uses a medication to numb the eye, then precisely places a freezing probe over the tear on the outer surface of the eye.

8. After Retinal Tear Laser Surgery

It is also possible that you may experience dry eyes, which is common after LASIK surgery. Dryness can lead to blurred and unclear vision. In this case, the doctor may recommend eye drops to moisturize the eyes and relieve symptoms. It might also be helpful to use sunglasses to protect the eyes from wind and dust:

  • PRP Laser
  • Panretinal Photocoagulation
  • Grid Laser

If a vein in the back of the retina is blocked, it can cause swelling in the central macula, leading to reduced vision. The options include waiting to see if the swelling resolves on its own, using laser treatment to address the swelling, or using steroids or anti-VEGF agents to inject into the eye.

This laser is used to treat diabetic retinopathy. Early stages of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy typically involve bleeding and distortion in the capillaries. The primary reason for vision loss in cases of diabetic retinopathy is macular edema due to leakage of fluids and proteins from abnormal vessels into the retina. Treatment involves directing laser beams at the thickened parts of the retina to preserve the remaining vision, as vision improvement is rare. Based on this information, it is evident that regular eye exams are crucial for diabetic patients to diagnose the disease in its early stages and provide necessary treatment.

9. Retinal PDT Laser in Iran

The photodynamic therapy (PDT) model is one of the treatments used to alleviate tumors in the body. It typically involves a combination of “cold” laser and a light-sensitive dye (Verteporfin). This compound is injected into the bloodstream to target blood vessels with abnormal leakage in the retina, the nerve tissue lining at the back of the eye, and the layer beneath the retina, known as the choroid.

There are several causes that can lead to retinal diseases. In such cases, the patient should be referred promptly to an ophthalmologist for necessary initial examinations to treat retinal diseases and prevent future problems.

10. Retinal PDT Laser Treatment in Iran

Before performing retinal PDT laser treatment, a light-sensitive drug is injected into the vein. The drug accumulates in the abnormal arteries of the eye. Then, a numbing drop is applied, and a special lens is used to perform the PDT laser.

The drug is collected in the affected areas using PDT laser with a specific wavelength for the retina. This is identified through eye imaging, and the closed arteries are activated to treat retinal disease, preventing the disease from progressing.

11. Post-PDT Retinal Laser Treatment

Protecting the skin and eyes from sunlight is crucial for the first five days due to the sensitivity of PDT laser to light. Wearing long sleeves, a hat, and sunglasses can protect the skin and eyes from light. Sunscreens cannot protect the skin from sunlight in this case.

12. Is PDT Retinal Laser Treatment Permanent?

The treatment can prevent disease progression in all cases, but abnormal blood vessel activation can occur, making repeated treatments necessary.

13. MPC Laser for Treating Retinal Hemorrhage in Iran

Macular photo coagulation laser for age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

The macular photo coagulation laser is a type of laser surgery used to treat AMD.

AMD is a condition that can lead to vision loss. In the back of your eye, there is a layer of cells called the retina, which converts light into electrical signals. These signals are sent from the retina to your brain. AMD affects the macula, the central sensitive part of the retina. This area is located in the middle of the visual field and is responsible for detailed vision. Blood vessels may grow under the macula, causing blood and fluid leakage. This excess fluid can lead to vision loss.

A numbing eye drop is given before the surgery. The ophthalmologist then directs a strong light beam to specific areas of the macula to create burns. This seals the leaking blood vessels, helping prevent further vision loss.

Benefits of Laser Photocoagulation Treatment for AMD

Laser photocoagulation is one of the treatments for AMD, a common cause of severe vision loss in the elderly. It can cause complete vision loss. Due to AMD's effect on the macula, your peripheral vision remains, but you may gradually or suddenly lose your central vision.

Laser photocoagulation treatment does not always produce positive results in restoring already lost vision. However, it can help mitigate damage to central vision.

Best Ophthalmologist in Iran for Lens Implantation

Iranian doctors with extensive experience and excellent records perform these operations. The main factor in selecting a qualified surgeon for retinal laser surgery in Iran is the doctor’s experience in performing this procedure. You can find the best doctors for retinal laser treatment in Iran through our website, reviewing their extensive experiences.

14. Why is Iran an Ideal Destination for Retinal Laser Surgery?

Many patients travel to Iran for retinal laser surgery. This is due to the high efficiency of Iranian doctors and surgeons who have high success rates in surgery:

  • Retinal laser procedures in Iran are cost-effective.
  • Low expenses related to accommodation in Iran.
  • Experienced doctors.
  • A large number of retinal laser surgeries are performed in Iran.

Iran offers the highest quality care through advanced eye centers that comply with current European standards. Another reason for choosing Iran for retinal laser treatment is the lower cost compared to other countries.

To book a retinal laser surgery appointment in Iran and consult with a doctor quickly, contact us now on WhatsApp. Our coordination and translation team will respond and book an appointment before your travel.

15. Who is the Best Doctor for Retinal Laser Surgery in Iran?

Iran has highly qualified doctors with many years of experience performing successful retinal laser surgeries. The success rate of the surgery depends on the timely consultation with the doctor as soon as the condition occurs and following the health instructions after the surgery. Notably, Iran has the best doctors to perform retinal laser surgery in the best eye centers and hospitals with a high success rate.

16. How Much Does Retinal Laser Surgery Cost in Iran?

There is a significant difference in the cost of retinal laser surgery between Iran and other countries. The main factors for the lower price in Iran are:

  • Numerous hospitals in Iran perform various types of retinal laser surgery.
  • An increasing number of people are undergoing retinal laser procedures in Iran.

The cost of retinal laser surgery in Iran varies depending on the doctor, hospital, type of laser, and the severity of the condition requiring laser treatment.

17. How to Book a Retinal Laser Surgery Appointment in Iran?

To book a retinal laser surgery appointment in Iran and consult with a doctor quickly, contact us now on WhatsApp. Our coordination and translation team will respond and book an appointment before your travel.

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