Who is the best doctor for treating diabetic retinopathy in Iran?
What is the cost of treating diabetic retinopathy in Iran?
Which hospital is the best for treating retinal leakage in Iran?
Where can I go for treating diabetic retinal leakage in Iran, Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, Isfahan?
Book an appointment for treating retinal inflammation in Shiraz, Iran.

  1. How Does Diabetic Retinopathy Occur?

Diabetic retinopathy occurs as a result of elevated blood sugar levels, affecting the small blood vessels in the eye. This leads to blood and fluid leakage in the retina and damage to the blood vessels.

Diabetic retinopathy can worsen and reach more serious stages such as capillary deformities, capillary blockage, and retinal detachment. Untreated diabetic retinopathy can cause vision loss.

To treat diabetic retinopathy, blood sugar levels are regulated and monitored regularly, along with other procedures such as retinal imaging with ultraviolet light and laser treatment. Some patients may need surgeries to repair retinal damage.

Patients must continue to visit an ophthalmologist regularly to monitor the progression of diabetic retinopathy and assess appropriate treatment. Patients should also maintain good health practices, follow a healthy diet, and exercise to control blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes complications in the eye.

  1. Do You Suffer from Retinopathy and Choroidopathy?

Retinopathy and choroidopathy can occur when high blood pressure during pregnancy affects the small blood vessels in the eye. This can cause damage to the blood vessels and leakage of blood and fluids into the retina.

Retinopathy and choroidopathy can worsen to more severe stages such as malignant capillaries, capillary blockage, and retinal rupture. If untreated, retinopathy and choroidopathy can lead to vision loss.

  1. How Is Diabetic Retinopathy Treated in Iran?

Treatment of retinopathy and choroidopathy involves regular monitoring and controlling blood pressure, and other procedures such as retinal imaging with ultraviolet light and laser treatment. Some patients may require surgeries to repair damaged retinas.

Patients should follow up regularly with an ophthalmologist to monitor the progression of retinopathy and choroidopathy and evaluate appropriate treatment. Patients should maintain good health practices, follow a healthy diet, and exercise to keep blood pressure in check and prevent complications of retinopathy and choroidopathy in the eye.

  1. Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy

Diagnosing symptoms of diabetic retinopathy is more efficient through comprehensive examination using pupil dilation technique. This involves placing drops in your eyes to enlarge the pupil so the doctor can see inside better. Although the drops cause blurred vision, it disappears after a few hours.

During the examination, the ophthalmologist will inspect your eyes for any abnormal signs in the internal and external components.

A dye is injected into a vein in your arm after dilating your pupils. Photos are then taken as the dye flows through the blood vessels inside your eyes. Blockages, breaks, or leaks in the blood vessels are identified through the images.

This examination provides cross-sectional images of the retina, showing its thickness. This helps in determining the amount of fluid that has leaked into the retinal tissues, if any. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans are used to monitor the success of the treatment.

  1. Treatment of Retinal Leakage in Iran

The treatment, which depends heavily on the type and severity of diabetic retinopathy, aims to slow the progression of the disease or stop early diabetic damage.

There may not be an urgent need for treatment if non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy is mild to moderate. However, the ophthalmologist will closely monitor your eyes to determine the appropriate time for treatment.

Collaboration with an endocrinologist is necessary to determine if there is a way to improve diabetes management. If diabetic retinopathy is mild or moderate, the condition can be controlled by maintaining good blood sugar levels.

       6. Advanced Diabetic Retinopathy

Dealing with proliferative diabetic retinopathy or macular edema requires immediate treatment. Depending on the issues in the retina, options may include:

  • Intravitreal Injection: Anti-VEGF medications are injected into the vitreous of the eye. These injections help control the growth of new blood vessels and reduce fluid accumulation.

    The FDA has approved three drugs for treating diabetic macular edema: Faricimab-svoa (Vabysmo), Ranibizumab (Lucentis), and Aflibercept (Eylea). Another drug, Bevacizumab (Avastin), can be used off-label for treating diabetic macular edema.

    These medications are administered through injections using local anesthesia. The injection might cause minor discomfort, such as a burning sensation, tearing, or pain for up to 24 hours post-injection. Possible side effects include increased eye pressure and infection.

    These injections need to be administered repeatedly and are often used in conjunction with laser photocoagulation.

  • Focal Laser Treatment: Laser therapy, known as focal laser treatment, can prevent or slow the leakage of blood and fluid in the eye. Laser burns are used to treat abnormal blood vessel leaks in this procedure.

    This treatment is usually performed in one session in a medical clinic or eye clinic. If you have blurred vision due to macular edema before surgery, the treatment may not restore normal vision but is likely to reduce the chances of worsening macular edema.

  • Pan-Retinal Photocoagulation: This laser treatment, also known as scatter laser treatment, helps shrink abnormal blood vessels. During the procedure, areas of the retina away from the macula are treated with scattered laser burns, causing the abnormal blood vessels to shrink and scar.

    This treatment typically occurs in the doctor’s office or eye clinic after two or more sessions. Your vision might be blurry for about a day after the procedure, and your night or peripheral vision might be temporarily affected.

  • Vitrectomy: In this surgical procedure, the surgeon makes a tiny incision in the eye to remove blood and scar tissue from the middle of the eye (vitreous) and the retina. This operation takes place in a surgical center or hospital and uses either general or local anesthesia.

    Surgery often slows or stops the progression of diabetic retinopathy but is not a cure. Due to the permanent nature of diabetes, retinal damage and vision loss may occur in the future.

    You will need regular eye exams even after treatment for diabetic retinopathy. You might require additional treatments at some point.

7. Who is at Risk for Diabetic Retinopathy?

People with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are at risk for diabetic retinopathy, but certain conditions increase the risk:

  • Having diabetes for a long period
  • Consistently high blood glucose levels
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Pregnancy
  • Being of Asian or African Caribbean descent
  • Continuous use of tobacco products

Is There a Way to Prevent Diabetic Retinopathy?

Severe vision loss in diabetic patients can be prevented through early detection and control of blood sugar and blood pressure.

  • Manage Your Diabetes: Ensure regular exercise like walking, eating a healthy diet, and taking insulin injections prescribed by your doctor on time to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Monitor Blood Sugar Levels Accurately: When under stress, you should test and record your blood sugar levels more frequently.
  • Keep Blood Pressure and Cholesterol in Check: Control blood pressure and cholesterol by eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and losing excess weight.
  • Avoid Using Tobacco Products in Any Form: Smoking increases the risk of diabetes complications, including retinopathy.
  • Pay Attention to Vision Changes: If you experience sudden changes in vision, or your vision becomes intermittent, blurry, or foggy, contact your ophthalmologist immediately.

What Are the Symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy?

In its early stages, the symptoms and signs of diabetic retinopathy are not obvious, so you might not notice them.

  • Gradual vision deterioration
  • Floaters in the field of vision
  • Blurred or distorted vision
  • Difficulty seeing colors

What Is the Test for Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy can cause permanent vision loss.

You may be advised to return for another examination after a year, attend more frequent follow-up appointments, or undergo advanced eye testing.

How Are Cases of Diabetic Retinopathy Managed?

Managing diabetic retinopathy in diabetic patients requires advanced stages and poses a threat to vision.

  • Control blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels
  • Take diabetes medication
  • Attend all examination appointments

How Does a Person with Diabetic Retinopathy See?

Diabetic retinopathy stimulates the appearance of abnormal blood vessels, leading to the growth of scar tissue that can pull the retina out of place from the back of the eye cavity. This can cause spots in the field of vision, flashes of light, or total vision loss.

What Are the Causes of Retinal Damage Due to Diabetes?

When a person has diabetes, the fine blood vessels that nourish the retina get damaged, leading to diabetic retinopathy. Vision problems occur in the initial stage of the disease, called "non-proliferative (non-advanced) retinopathy," due to fluid leakage from the blood vessels.

Is There a Chance to Recover from Diabetic Retinopathy?

Laser treatment is the most common method for treating proliferative diabetic retinopathy and is highly effective if the condition is detected early. The goal is to preserve vision and prevent the progression of vision loss caused by diabetes. It may require several visits to the laser clinic to halt the changes.

After Laser Retinal Surgery

Vision usually darkens immediately after laser surgery, which is normal and not a cause for concern, as it is due to the exposure of the back of the eye to light. It may take up to 24 hours to regain your previous vision and resume your usual daily activities, although vision can improve within a few minutes.

What Is the Cost of Retinal Injections in Iran?

The cost of retinal injections, laser procedures, or surgery varies depending on the medical condition and its severity. There is a significant difference in the cost of treating diabetic retinal leakage between Iran and other countries. The main factors for the lower cost in Iran include:

Who Is the Best Ophthalmologist in Iran for Treating Diabetic Retinopathy?

Experienced Iranian doctors with excellent records perform these procedures. The primary factor in choosing a qualified surgeon for injection, laser treatment, or surgical intervention in Iran is the doctor's experience in performing the procedure. You can find the best doctors for treating retinopathy and retinal laser treatments in Iran through our website and explore their extensive experiences.

Why Is Iran an Ideal Destination for Treating Diabetic Retinopathy?

Many patients travel to Iran for retinal injections or laser treatments. This is due to the competence of Iranian doctors and surgeons who have high success rates in surgeries.

  • To undergo surgery or vitreous body extraction in Iran at a low cost
  • Reduced expenses related to accommodation in Iran
  • Experienced doctors
  • A high number of retinal laser and injection procedures are performed in Iran

Iran provides the highest quality through advanced eye centers in all cities, which are compliant with current European standards. Another reason for the suitable cost in Iran is its lower price compared to other countries.

Who Is the Best Doctor for Retinal Injection Procedures in Iran?

Iran has highly qualified doctors with extensive experience performing successful diabetic retinal injections. The success rate of the procedure depends on the promptness of consulting the doctor as soon as it occurs and following post-operative health instructions. It is worth noting that Iran has the best doctors for performing retinal injection procedures at the best eye centers and hospitals, with a high success rate.

How to Book an Appointment for Retinal Injection in Iran?

To book an appointment for a retinal injection in Iran and consult with a doctor, quickly contact us now on WhatsApp. The coordination and translation team will respond to you and book an appointment before your travel.

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